Innermost The Strong Protein Strawberry Sample
What it is
Innermost The Strong Protein Strawberry Sample is crafted to maximise muscle and strength gains. Packed with the right functional ingredients, nutrients and adaptogens, it is also designed to support energy and power.
– A whey protein powder formulated to maximise muscle growth and power output
– Approx. 34g of complete protein, enriched with functional superfoods
– Rich in branched chain (BCAAs) and essential amino acids (EAAs)
– Delicious strawberry taste
– No artificial flavour, colour or aspartame
Key Ingredients
– Protein (whey concentrate + isolate) repairs, aids recovery and promotes lean muscle development
– Casein is a slow-digesting protein for optimal uptake and absorption
– Creatine monohydrate supports power, strength and performance
– Montmorency cherries are an anti-inflammatory that help reduce damage from intensive exercise
– Bilberries are rich in antioxidants and resveratrol to aid cardiovascular health and minimise inflammation
– Magnesium supports energy, recovery, cardiac function and bone and muscle health